General Education Council meeting agendas, minutes, and current roster.
General Education Council
About General Education Council
At Texas State University, development of recommendations for the institutional General Education Core Curriculum is the responsibility of the General Education Council (GEC) which represents the faculty, departmental or school administrators, and students. The core curriculum should be dynamic, reflecting changes in thinking and society while still honoring the tradition of a liberal education. The core curriculum at Texas State helps students develop principles and habits of social and personal responsibility for living in a diverse world, gain knowledge of human cultures and the natural world, and advance competencies for learning and citizenship, including critical and creative thinking, communication, quantitative reasoning, and teamwork. The GEC is tasked with assessing the content and policies of instruction university-wide in order to ensure that Texas State students achieve the intellectual skills and knowledge that will prepare them for private, public, and professional lives. The GEC, in cooperation with the assistant vice president for Curriculum & Academic Programs, will consider curriculum and policy recommendations (e.g., changes in the structure or definitions of the primary components of Texas State’s General Education Core Curriculum).
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jeff Housman in the Office of Curriculum & Academic Programs at

The GEC will consist of representatives from the following areas:
- two appointed faculty from the colleges of Applied Arts, McCoy College of Business Administration, Education, Fine Arts and Communication, Health Professions, Liberal Arts, and Science and Engineering;
- one appointed faculty representative from the Honors College;
- two department chairs or school directors;
- two undergraduate students;
- an ex-officio, non-voting academic advisor; and
- the ex-officio, non-voting chair of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC), when this faculty member is not a GEC member.
The GEC will consist of 21-22 members, 20 of whom will vote. The assistant vice president for Curriculum & Academic Programs will be a non-voting chair of the GEC.

How to Propose a Course
In order to meet requirements established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the university has established a process to propose and approve General Education Core Curriculum courses.
Syllabus Resources
This area provides information about syllabus requirements and templates for faculty use.