On-Site Review

Most reviews include a site visit to the campus after receipt of the application for accreditation/certification and the required documentation. It's important to stay on the review schedule. This ensures a straightforward review process.

Scheduling the Site Visit

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The accrediting/certifying agency typically contacts the academic unit and provides optional dates for the site visit. It often provides a sample itinerary or a list of meetings that need to be scheduled. If a meeting with either the president or provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs is required, the academic unit must immediately contact the assistant vice provost for Program Accreditation and Assessment to determine the feasibility of the various proposed dates and if possible to schedule the meetings with the president, provost, and/or associate provost. Senior administrators will only meet with review teams if required by the accrediting/certifying agency. Typically, this scheduling process occurs at least six months in advance of the actual visit. Requests with shorter lead times or no options may not be able to be accommodated. Because of the demands on the president and provost, meetings scheduled well in advance may require last-minute adjustments or cancellations. 

Preparing for the Site Visit

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Before the site team arrives on campus, the assistant vice provost for Program Accreditation and Assessment must receive a copy of the site agenda/itinerary.  If the review team is scheduled to meet with the president and/or provost, a series of documents must be made available three weeks in advance of the visit allowing one week for editing.  These required documents along with links to examples are as follows:

During the Site Visit

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Once on campus, the reviewers typically are in charge of the schedule. Within reason, it is important to attempt to adhere to the schedule. Should changes be made to the schedule during the visit, please inform the assistant vice provost for Program Accreditation and Assessment so that scheduled parties may be informed of delays or changes in the plan.